I have start two projects on Facebook - just trying to get it wrapped around in my head on how I am going to do this- I would like to combine them both. The Documented Life Project calls to use a moleskin planner - no plans on buying new supplies since I have loads around here. I can print out a planner since there are loads of free and cheap downloads, not liking the idea of printer paper to do art on though. I do have a new multi-media paper pad. So I thought about a new composition book - dang pages are thin also - but I have worked in a comp book before for an art journal - gesso and pages together works fine. also can print out planner part and add to the comp book. I like the washi tape tip in's idea so I'm going towards the comp book idea - The second group is called Journal 52 - now she has some ideas I like - three ring notebook - I have plenty - even suggesting a smaller 3 ring binder to keep pages in - that way you can take away pages or put others in. But the comp book idea could work here also but I wont have the freedom of the 3 ring notebook. All in all - I want to be something I can work in regularly.
Last week I have been working on several planner ideas for myself - something has got to click soon. My "fake" Modori came out quite nice..no leather here - but craft foam works very well! I like it -printed out a planner, and some daily docket pages and put in a notebook made of art paper I like to work on. I like the idea you can remove notebooks and add as you please. But I am finding I use the daily docket pages more than the calendar planner part.. My small 3 ring notebook wasn't working for me with the month of December - I was finding myself grabbing any paper to make lists on - a list person I am - love to check things off - and at the end of the day seeing how much I did..
So here I am in a state of being unsure.. but leaning towards the comp book.... for the two projects and the fake modori for my daily docket planner.... so I am off to play again at my art desk - oh can not forget my swaps on Lineweaving.com that I am hosting
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